
This is how you can win damages for a slip and fall in Daytona Beach

Daytona Beach, FL – Slip and fall accidents are one of the most common reasons people end up in the ER. If you twist an ankle, break a leg or hit your head against the ground, you’ll have to go to the hospital, have surgery maybe, and will miss work during your recovery. 

For the elderly, such accidents can be life-threatening. According to statistics, falls are the second leading cause of injury-related death for people aged 65-84. For those over the age of 85, falls are the leading cause of injury-related death. Even if they avoid a fatal outcome, the elderly are particularly at risk. Breaking a hip when you’re 80 may put a brutal end to your independence as, after a certain age, such injuries take a lot of time to heal, if they heal at all. 

If you or a loved one were recently injured in a slip and fall in Daytona Beach, you must talk to an experienced Florida personal injury lawyer. They can help you win the damages you deserve, but you must act quickly before vital pieces of evidence go missing. 

How hard is it to win a slip and fall case in Florida?

Did you know that Florida is the only state to have a law covering slip and fall accidents? Here is what you need to prove to win damages in a slip and fall case:

  • You slipped on a substance
  • The substance created a dangerous condition
  • The property owner knew about the dangerous condition
  • They should have fixed it, but they didn’t do anything to keep their visitors safe. 


Document the scene

The most important step is documenting your injury. Your Florida personal injury lawyers will need hard evidence that you were injured after slipping on someone else’s property, such as a shop, hotel, restaurant, amusement park, etc. Take pictures of the accident scene. If you’re in too much pain, ask a friend or even a bystander to take photos of the floor, focusing on the substance you slipped in. Keep in mind that after you leave the scene, the property owner may clean up the mess and then deny there was ever a problem. 

Witnesses are also very important in such a case. Get their names and contact info. Your lawyers will need their testimony when you file a personal injury claim. 

Have your lawyers investigate the accident

To seek damages you must prove that the owner of the place knew about the problem and didn’t take steps to remedy the situation.

Let’s say you’re in a restaurant and someone spills some Coke. You’re right behind them and slip on the wet floor. In such a case, the owner can hardly be made responsible for your fall as they didn’t probably know of the problem and couldn’t have done anything to prevent the accident. 

On the other hand, if they had a leaky fridge and that puddle had been there for hours, they could be held accountable. Your personal injury lawyers must visit the establishment, talk to the employees and review surveillance camera footage. Maybe someone else also slipped on the wet floor and complained to the staff. If they knew about the problem, they are liable for your damages. 

If you were recently injured in a slip and fall in the Daytona Beach area, schedule a free consultation with a trustworthy personal injury lawyer at the Pappas & Russell law firm.

Contact info

Pappas & Russell

Phone: (386) 254-2941

[email protected]

213 Silver Beach Avenue

Daytona Beach, Florida 32118

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