
These types of cases can be handled by personal injury lawyers in Edgefield County

Edgefield County, SC – Personal injury is a term for a number of different kinds of tort law cases and the legal actions taken by attorneys to assist their clients. As a general rule, most of these actions are filed as negligence lawsuits, which means that the plaintiff can argue the defendant made some kind of mistake or committed a reckless act that resulted in their injuries. In a negligence case, it is also possible for the victim to list damages related to their specific costs related to the incident and pain and suffering, then try to argue that the defendant should pay for all of those amounts. 

Motor vehicle accidents

One of the most common reasons people meet with lawyers in the United States is because of injuries caused during a car crash. This is because thousands of Americans are either hurt or killed during motor vehicle collisions every year in each state around the country. A personal injury lawyer can review the accident report and the victim’s medical records, and then try to make the person or commercial vehicle operator responsible pay for all of the associated damage through a settlement. 

Products that cause injuries

Many personal injury lawyers dedicate time to handling issues caused by companies who release defective products due to improper testing or other problems. These are often related to product recalls for medications, automobiles, pesticides, potential fire hazards, and other items that are found to have the possibility of causing injuries during their normal intended use. If the manufacturer is found to have released the product with a defective design, or there were mistakes during the manufacturing process that caused dangerous products to go out to retailers, the company may be strictly liable for this harm. 

Fatal accidents

Even when a person has died due to injuries caused during the course of any kind of accident, their family members will have the opportunity to bring a wrongful death case. This process is very similar to filing other personal injury cases for negligence, although additional damages related to things like a funeral, burial, and the person being unable to provide income or services to their family are available. 

Injury lawyers in South Carolina

The Clekis Law Firm works with accident victims in Edgefield County and other parts of South Carolina. People who want to meet with a licensed attorney to receive advice are able to schedule a consultation to discuss if a lawsuit is necessary. 

USAttorneys.com is a service that maintains a directory of licensed lawyers all over the country. Anyone who is looking to find a local attorney can call 800-672-3103 for a referral.

Firm contact info:

The Clekis Law Firm

171 Church St., Charleston SC, 29401

[email protected]



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