Personal Injury Lawyers Explain the Different Types of Teen Bullying

Bullying is something that should never to be taken lightly. Many teens have taken their own lives in an effort to avoid the continuation of being bullied, while others remain silent, enduring the constant psychological pain, and even sometimes physical pain that is inflicted upon them by those with no regard in how they treat others. Its only when a victim does something drastic such as committing suicide that a bully realizes the true damage done.

There are various forms of bullying and personal injury attorneys in Albany, New York have provided some explanations on the different types in an effort to shed light on these harmful actions, as well as help those who may be suffering to identify if they are a victim of bullying.Albany, New York personal injury attorney

The National Centre Against Bullying identifies four forms of bullying occurring today. These include:

Verbal Bullying- This involves a person, or people, who harm another through verbal actions. Name calling, insults, teasing, intimidating another, racial or homophobic remarks, or speaking down in a way that causes emotional distress and a decrease of self-confidence are some examples of verbal bullying.

Physical Bullying- This is when a bully physically harms the victim by way of kicking, tripping, hitting, or pinching. Personal injury legal representatives have recently been informed of yet another type of action that would be classified as physical bullying called “tapping.” This refers to a male hitting another male in the groin, which could ultimately impose a larger and longer affect on a male victim. These physical actions not only bring on injuries to the victim, but may even require medical care to help aid those harmed back to wellness.

Covert or Hidden Bullying: This refers to someone bullying another either behind their back or in a manner that hinders them from achieving social acceptance. Some examples of this include: playing nasty jokes leaving the victim humiliated, telling lies, or encouraging other peers to exclude this person from being accepted.

Cyberbullying: With this, the offender uses forms of technology to display their dislike for the victim. Cell phones, IPad’s, computers, etc., are all used to access the various social media platforms where a cyberbully may post harassing comments or inappropriate photos.  A victim may even receive nasty text messages that are used as a form of intimidation to scare and mentally break them down.

If you suspect that your teen is being bullied in one or more of the ways mentioned above, immediately reach out to the administration within the school to determine what can be done in order for it to stop. This can sometimes bring upon more issues for your teen, therefore it is recommended to consult with a personal injury lawyer in Albany who is able to take the legal steps required in having this bully refrain from causing any further harm to your child.

You can start your search for an Albany, New York personal injury attorney today by perusing through and selecting the professional you feel has the background and qualifications to handle your case.