Can I File a Personal Injury Lawsuit in Michigan if I was Bitten by my Neighbor’s Dog?
Picture this: You are out taking a walk with your child and enjoying the quality time. As you make your way up the street, you see a dog, without an owner or a leash heading towards you. While attempting to get you and your child to safety, the dog viciously attacks you leaving you with painful wounds on your legs, and the need to seek medical treatment. What do you do after? Should you simply let the incident go or contact the owner? Perhaps hiring a personal injury attorney in Southfield, Michigan is the action required to be taken in order for coverage to be provided for these expenses and possible illnesses you have acquired.
The fact is, many cases where residents have been bitten by their neighbor’s dog or by one close to their home occurs more frequently than you may think. And as some individuals properly care for their animals and ensure they are free from any diseases, unfortunately, there are others who neglect their animals, resulting in possible illnesses that can be passed on through a bite.
Pet owners are well aware of their responsibility of keeping their pets on a leash, or appropriately securing them to where they cannot get out and harm another. These owners are also liable for any incidents that may occur. While some neglect to take proper measures and secure their animals in a fence or inside their home, they end up roaming the streets while their owner is at work. Unfortunately, because ignorance is present to the idea of their animal biting another, they may one day find a lawsuit with some hefty fines heading in their direction.
As much as you may want to avoid confrontation with a well-known neighbor, Southfield personal injury attorneys believe that if you were bitten, you may have a legitimate case on your hands. As the victim, you should not have to suffer with the exuberant amount of money paid in medical claims you filed in the event the bite was extremely damaging.
Should you have had to receive medical care, it would be a wise decision to inform the owner you were bitten by their animal and will be filing a suit against them in the event they do not want to reimburse you for your costs. However, if you contracted something much more serious that will require on-going medial treatment, you may want to consult with a Southfield, Michigan personal injury lawyer to determine what your options are in handling this case in the best manner possible.
Should you wish to pursue with a personal injury lawsuit against the dog owner, you have up to 3 years to do so in the state of Michigan, although it is advisable to handle the situation today. Simply contact the Law Office of J L Hawkins PLLC, who have been providing top of the line legal assistance for personal injury victims in Michigan for the last 20 years.